ASUS ROG G56JK - Pengaturan BIOS Sistem

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Pengaturan BIOS Sistem

Perangkat Boot

1. Pada layar Boot, pilih Boot Option #1 (Pilihan Boot #1).

2. Tekan [Enter], lalu pilih perangkat sebagai Boot Option #1

(Pilihan Boot #1).

Layar BIOS pada bab ini hanya ditujukan sebagai referensi. Layar

sebenarnya dapat berbeda menurut model dan kawasan.

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1208. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Chipset


Security Save & Exit

Boot Configuration



Launch PXE OpROM


Boot Option Priorities

Boot Option #1

[P0: WDC WD7500BPKT...]

Boot Option #2


Boot Option #3

[Windows Boot Manager]

CD/DVD ROM Drive BBS Priorities
Hard Device BBS Priorities
Add New Boot Option

Delete Boot Option

Enables/Disables UEFI boot from

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1208. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Chipset


Security Save & Exit

Boot Configuration





Boot Option Priorities

Boot Option #1

[Windows Boot Manager]

Boot Option #2

[P0: ST9750423AS ...]

Boot Option #3

[P0: WDC WD7500BPKT...]

CD/DVD ROM Drive BBS Priorities
Hard Device BBS Priorities
Add New Boot Option

Delete Boot Option

E n a b l e s / D i s a b l e s Q u i e t B o o t

Boot Option #1

Windows Boot Manager
P0: ST9750423AS

background image

Panduan Pengguna PC Notebook


Pengaturan Keamanan

Untuk menetapkan sandi:
1. Pada layar

Security (Keamanan), pilih Setup Administrator

Password (Buat Sandi Administrator) atau User Password

(Sandi Pengguna).

2. Masukkan sandi, lalu tekan [Enter].

3. Masukkan kembali untuk mengkonfirmasikan sandi, lalu tekan


4. Sandi pun ditetapkan.
Untuk menghapus sandi:
1. Pada layar

Security (Keamanan), pilih Setup Administrator

Password (Buat Sandi Administrator) atau User Password

(Sandi Pengguna).

2. Masukkan sandi yang sedang digunakan, lalu tekan [Enter].

3. Biarkan kolom Create New Password (Buat Sandi Baru)

kosong, lalu tekan [Enter].

4. Biarkan kolom Confirm New Password (Konfirmasikan Sandi

Baru) kosong, lalu tekan [Enter].

5. Sandi pun terhapus.

Anda akan diminta memasukkan User Password (Sandi

Pengguna) saat menghidupkan PC Notebook (mengakses BIOS

atau OS). Administrator Password (Sandi Administrator)

hanya diminta bila Anda ingin mengakses dan mengkonfigurasi

pengaturan BIOS.

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1208. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Boot


Save & Exit

If ONLY the Administrator’s password is set,
then this only limits access to Setup and is
only asked for when entering Setup.
If ONLY the user’s password is set, then this
is a power on password and must be entered to
boot or enter Setup. In Setup, the User will
have Administrator rights.
The password length must be
in the following range:
Minimum length


Maximum length


Administrator Password

User Password

Secure Boot control


HDD Password Status :


Set Master Password
Set User Password

I/O Interface Security
Security Boot Policy

Set User Password

background image


Panduan Pengguna PC Notebook

Keamanan Interface I/O

Pengaturan I/O Interface Security (Keamanan Interface

I/O) hanya dapat diubah bila Anda log in dengan hak istimewa


Untuk mengunci interface I/O:
1. Pada layar

Security (Keamanan), pilih I/O Interface Security

(Keamanan Interface I/O).

2. Pilih interface yang akan dikunci, lalu klik

Lock (Kunci).

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1208. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.


I/O Interface Security

LAN Network Interface


Wireless Network Interface


HD AUDIO Interface


SATA ODD Interface


USB Interface Security

I f L o c k e d , 2 n d S A T A H D D w i l l
be disabled.

LAN Network Interface


background image

Panduan Pengguna PC Notebook


Keamanan Interface USB

Pengaturan USB Interface Security (Keamanan Interface

USB) hanya dapat diubah bila Anda log in dengan hak istimewa


Jika Anda mengatur USB Interface (Antarmuka USB) ke [Kunci],

External Ports (Port Eksternal) dan CMOS Camera (Kamera

CMOS) akan dikunci dan disembunyikan sekaligus.

Untuk mengunci interface USB:
1. Pada layar

Security (Keamanan), pilih /O Interface Security

(Keamanan Interface I/O) > USB Interface Security (Keamanan

Interface USB).

2. Pilih interface yang akan dikunci, lalu klik

Lock (Kunci).

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1208. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.


USB Interface Security

USB Interface


External Ports




CMOS Camera


Card Reader


I f L o c k e d , a l l U S B d e v i c e w i l l
be disabled.

USB Interface


background image


Panduan Pengguna PC Notebook

Sandi HDD

• Sandi HDD hanya dapat diubah bila Anda log in dengan hak

istimewa Administrator.

• Anda harus membuat Master Password (Sandi Master)

sebelum membuat User Password (Sandi Pengguna).

Anda akan diminta memasukkan sandi pengguna terlebih dulu

(jika ada), lalu sandi pengguna HDD saat menghidupkan PC

Notebook. Sistem operasi tidak dapat diakses jika Anda gagal

memasukkan sandi yang benar.

Untuk membuat sandi HDD:
1. Pada layar

Security (Keamanan), klik Set Master Password

(Buat Sandi Master), masukkan sandi, lalu tekan [Enter].

2. Masukkan kembali sandi untuk mengkonfirmasi, lalu tekan


3. Klik

Set User Password (Buat Sandi Pengguna), lalu ulangi

langkah sebelumnya untuk membuat sandi pengguna.

4. Sandi berhasil dibuat.

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1204. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Boot


Save & Exit

If ONLY the Administrator’s password is set,
then this only limits access to Setup and is
only asked for when entering Setup.
If ONLY the user’s password is set, then this
is a power on password and must be entered to
boot or enter Setup. In Setup, the User will
have Administrator rights.
The password length must be
in the following range:
Minimum length


Maximum length


Administrator Password

User Password
Secure Boot control


HDD Password Status :


Set Master Password

Set User Password

I/O Interface Security
Security Boot Policy

Set the system boot order.

***Advanced to Power Cycle

System after Setting Hard Disk


Create New Password

background image

Panduan Pengguna PC Notebook


Save Changes

Jika ingin menyimpan pengaturan konfigurasi, Anda harus

menyimpan perubahan sebelum keluar dari utilitas konfigurasi BIOS.

: Select Screen


Select Item

Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save ESC: Exit

Version 2.01.1208. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.

Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Chipset Boot


Save & Exit

Save Changes and Exit

Discard Changes and Exit

Save Options

Save Changes

Discard Changes

Restore Defaults

Boot Override

Windows Boot Manager
P0: WDC WD7500BPKT-80PK4T0

Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device

Exit system setup after saving
the changes.

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Panduan Pengguna PC Notebook